What is bird flu, and does it affect those who don't eat chicken or any bird meat?

Kristen Paul

New member
Bird flu, also known as avian influenza, is a viral infection that primarily affects birds. It is caused by influenza viruses that naturally occur in wild birds, particularly waterfowl like ducks and geese. While most strains of bird flu do not infect humans, certain strains, such as H5N1 and H7N9, have been known to cause severe illness and even death in humans.

The transmission of bird flu to humans typically occurs through direct contact with infected birds, their droppings, or secretions. It can also spread indirectly through contaminated surfaces, materials, or objects. In rare cases, human-to-human transmission has occurred, but it is not efficient or sustained.

If you don't consume chicken or any bird meat, your risk of directly contracting bird flu from consuming infected poultry is significantly reduced. However, it's important to note that bird flu can still be a concern for those who don't consume bird meat due to potential indirect exposure or contact with infected birds.

Indirect exposure can occur through contact with surfaces or objects contaminated with the virus, such as in live bird markets, farms, or environments where wild birds reside. It's crucial to practice good hygiene and take necessary precautions to minimize the risk of transmission. This includes washing hands thoroughly with soap and water after potential exposure to birds or their environments, avoiding contact with sick or dead birds, and following any advisories or guidelines provided by health authorities.

While the risk of bird flu to individuals who don't consume bird meat is generally low, it's important to stay informed about outbreaks, follow public health guidelines, and maintain good hygiene practices to reduce the risk of any potential exposure.