What are The Laws for Divorce in New York


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Divorce laws in New York outline the requirements and procedures for dividing a marriage. The requirements include residence for one spouse to reside in New York for at least one year and a valid cause for divorce. Causes can include irreconciliable differences, adultery, cruelty, abandonment, encarcelamiento, separation agreement, and divorce mediation. The divorce process includes presenting the divorce petition, notifying the spouse, responding to the petition, mediating/negotiating, juicio, and sustaining the divorce. Necessary documents include the divorce petition, certificate of marriage, separation agreement, residence and service requirements, property and pension laws, and custody laws for minors. Legal resources include the New York State Unified Tribunal System, the New York Association of Lawyers, and the American Association of Matrimonial Lawyers. Need more information visit our Website What are The Laws for Divorce in New York.