What are the key differences between self-publishing vs traditional publishing?


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The key differences between self publishing vs traditional publishing are substantial. In self-publishing, authors maintain greater control over their work, from content to cover design, while traditional publishing involves relinquishing some of that control to the publishing house. Speed is another critical distinction, as self-publishing allows for quicker publication, often in a matter of weeks, compared to the lengthy process of traditional publishing, which can take a year or more. Marketing responsibilities also diverge, with self-published authors often shouldering the burden of their own promotion, whereas traditional publishers have established marketing and distribution channels. Additionally, while self-published authors typically enjoy higher royalties per sale, traditional publishers offer advances but lower royalties. Distribution is another facet where they differ, with traditional publishers boasting broader networks to get books into physical stores, while self-publishers rely predominantly on online platforms. Furthermore, traditional publishing can offer a sense of validation and prestige, which self-publishing, being more accessible, may not provide to the same extent. The choice between these publishing routes depends on an author's goals, preferences, and the nature of their work.