US, China Threaten "Forceful Measures" Over Ukraine War | Russia Downs 21 Drones, Gains In Donetsk


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US, China Threaten "Forceful Measures" Over Ukraine War | Russia Downs 21 Drones, Gains In Donetsk Ukrainian drones hit a Russian military airfield in Dyagilevo, in Ryazan Oblast, just 160 km from the capital Moscow. The airbase is a training centre for Russia's strategic bomber force and is the site of Tupolev Tu-95MS, Tu-22M3, and Tu-134UBL aircraft and an Ilyushin Il-78 tanker. Ukraine’s Main Directorate of Intelligence (HUR) said it struck an oil field in the Ryazan Oblast with kamikaze drones. Roughly two hours after the explosions in Dyagilevo, the HUR struck the Engels airbase in the Saratov Oblast which houses strategic bombers.