O Shot® Remedy for Women


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The o shot orlando offers an easy and non-invasive technique that deals with women’s sexual dysfunction and specific disorders, such as incontinence. It specifically stimulates the natural regenerative abilities of the vulva (external genitals with clitoris and labia) and vagina by harnessing the body’s inherent healing and growth factors derived from the patient’s blood. This therapy strategy focuses on the fundamental reasons and efficiently promotes recovery.

The O-Shot® approach utilizes the body’s fundamental capacity for self-regeneration and healing in an aesthetic manner. A powerful local revitalization is triggered by administering concentrated healing and growth factors derived from the patient’s own blood plasma.
A little sample of blood is taken using a specific scientific technique, and the valuable healing and growth components are removed from the blood plasma. The body’s own healing ingredients are precisely injected into specified spots using ultra-fine needles after an exceptionally efficient numbing lotion is applied. During the O-Shot® procedure, our patients consistently report minimal discomfort. As an outstanding regenerative medicine facility, we also provide the option of nitrous oxide inhalation to accompany you through the treatment, increasing your whole experience.
