North Korea Slams “War Criminal” Japan’s “Nuclear Dreams” | Seoul Vows “Cooperation” With Pyongyang


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North Korea Slams “War Criminal” Japan’s “Nuclear Dreams” | Seoul Vows “Cooperation” With Pyongyang On August 15, South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol extended an offer of aid, dialogue, and unification to North Korea. In a speech to mark the end of Japanese colonial rule over the Korean peninsula in 1945, Yoon called unification an “unfinished task.” While declaring his "unification vision," Yoon said: "As long as the state of division persists, our liberation will remain incomplete." “Only by firmly defending our freedom can we become the leading force driving free and democratic unification,” Yoon said. Yoon expressed readiness for political and economic cooperation if North Korea takes a step toward denuclearisation.