Kosovo Man Braves Wildfire On Motorbike To Deliver Water To Firefighters


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Kosovo Man Braves Wildfire On Motorbike To Deliver Water To Firefighters As firefighters in southern Kosovo prayed for rain in their battle against wildfires in the Sharr Mountains National Park, a young man on a motorbike approached them and said: "I am here to help."Allmedin Smaili, 26, a dentist from the nearby town of Prizren, has been helping firefighters for seven days to stop a fire in the park where he and his friends usually go with their motorbikes to enjoy the thrill of riding over the harsh terrain.Video from his GoPro camera shows Smaili handing water to the firefighters as his motorbike sped along trails made by brown bears and wild goats.Steep slopes can be seen from his left and right side through traces of old burned areas which are still visible.Fire trucks cannot reach the terrain some 1,900 meters above sea level. Smaili transports backpack waterbags of 25 litres each to the firefighters to use to douse the flames as huge areas of pine trees burn.On Wednesday (August 14), Smaili called three other friends to transport more water as the breeze stopped the flames and a U.S. helicopter from the NATO peacekeeping mission in Kosovo started to drop water. The challenge is to stop slow-burning trees which can ignite again with a more destructive fire.