India Stands Firmly With Philippines, Gets China Worked Up


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India Stands Firmly With Philippines, Gets China Worked Up Shubhangi Sharma Explains on FinepointThe tension between China and India escalates as Indian External Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar's recent visit to Southeast Asia sparks fury and concern in China. The focus of the dispute lies in the South China Sea, where China's aggressive actions towards the Philippines draw international attention. Amidst ongoing tensions, India firmly supports the Philippines' sovereignty, urging China to respect international law, particularly the UNCLOS. The Indian Navy Chief's recent remarks highlight China's aggressive behaviour in the region, reinforcing India's stance against Chinese expansionism. China's audacious claim over Arunachal Pradesh, rebranded as Zangnan, sparks condemnation from India and External Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar. The renaming of territories by China is deemed ludicrous and draws criticism from the Indian government.Under the UNCLOS, maritime control delineates territorial waters, contiguous zones and exclusive economic zones, challenging China's expansive claims in the South China Sea. The dispute involves multiple claimants, including Vietnam, Malaysia and Taiwan, contesting China's dominance in the region. With strategic interests at stake, India's growing presence in the South China Sea, evidenced by naval deployments and defence deals with the Philippines. As tensions persist, Beijing faces mounting pressure to reassess its expansionist agenda amidst India's assertive stance.