“I Defend Second Amendment…” Walz Urges Action After Georgia School Shooting


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“I Defend Second Amendment…” Walz Urges Action After Georgia School Shooting Democratic Vice Presidential candidate Tim Walz spoke to supporters at a campaign rally in Erie, Pennsylvania on Thursday.He kicked off his speech with a poke towards Trump, "Across this country. I grew up in a small town in Nebraska, a town of a population of 400. Working on the family farm. And I tell people this, I had 24 kids in my class. 12 were cousins. So, but you know what? Not a single one of them went on to be a venture capitalist, I'll tell you that. Not a single one of them went off to rip people off in New York City by discriminating against rental housing and things like that."Walz also had words for the Republican Vice Presidential nominee JD Vance, "So, look, you go off to Yale, you get a philosophy major. You write a bestselling book, trashed the very people you grew up with. Just don't come back to Erie and tell us how to run our lives. Don't do that. Don't do that."Harris' running mate ended his speech talking about the school shooting in Georgia on Wednesday, "we believe in the freedom to send our kids to school without being shot dead in the hall. The news cycle moves on within a day with what we saw yesterday down in Georgia. Kids going to school the first week of school, excited. Now we have four dead. Our hearts go out to the two students and the two teachers who were killed. Their families be in mourning. There's many injured in Winder, and that community will never be the same.""I say this to all of you, I know guns. I'm a veteran. I'm a hunter. We can't let them make this just about the Second Amendment. I defend the Second Amendment. But our first responsibility is to keep our kids safe," said Walz.Walz stated, "there's things we can do. Other countries don't have to live like this. Other countries have figured this out."