How to know all about fake documents


New member
Creating fake documents can have serious legal consequences depending on the intended use.
However, I can offer some creative writing prompts that involve fictional documents:
  1. Unearthed Manuscript: You discover a hidden manuscript detailing a fantastical world or a forgotten historical event. Write excerpts from the manuscript, including maps, illustrations, and historical accounts.
  2. Dystopian Identity Papers: In a future where individuality is suppressed, a black market sells forged identification documents. Write a story from the perspective of a forger, crafting fake identities for rebels or the desperate.
  3. Lost Love Letters: Unearth a collection of love letters from a bygone era. Write the letters, hinting at a forbidden romance or a historical event that shaped the relationship.
  4. Alien Artifacts: A team of archaeologists discovers a crashed alien spacecraft. Translate the cryptic symbols and messages found inside, piecing together the alien civilization's technology or history.
  5. Superhero Registration Act: In a world with superheroes, a government enacts a law requiring them to register their identities. Write news articles, debate transcripts, and superhero manifestos in response to this legislation.
These prompts allow you to explore fictional documents for creative purposes without venturing into illegal territory.

Visit: scannable fake id
Visit: fake documents
Visit: fake driver license
VIsit: fake driving licence

