"Happy For Macron..." Russia's Sarcastic Jab After Journalists Lose Paris Olympics Accreditation


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"Happy For Macron..." Russia's Sarcastic Jab After Journalists Lose Paris Olympics Accreditation Russia's state-run TASS news agency claimed that the Olympic organising committee has revoked the accreditations for four of its journalists in Paris. TASS said the organisation committee attributed the move to a decision by French authorities but gave Moscow no further explanation. French Interior Minister's office declined to comment on the case but noted that decisions to withdraw accreditation lie with the Games' organisers. One of the four TASS reporters told Reuters they had been informed by Paris 2024 organisers that they would no longer be accredited. The reporter also said "They (the organisers) said it had to do with security" and said the decision left one TASS photographer accredited. Of four journalists who lost their accreditations, two are reporters and one is a photographer as well as one reporter who works in France. Watch the video to find out more.