Growing Chinese Nukes A Scare? Beijing “Concerned” As US Reorients Nuke Doctrine To Deter Putin, Kim


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Growing Chinese Nukes A Scare? Beijing “Concerned” As US Reorients Nuke Doctrine To Deter Putin, Kim US President Joe Biden has approved a highly classified nuclear strategic plan for the US, the New York Times reported. The plan, for the first time, reorients America’s deterrent strategy to focus on China’s rapid expansion in its nuclear arsenal.The document called “Nuclear Employment Guidance” was adopted in March this year, NYT wrote. According to NYT, the document is updated roughly every four years and is so secretive that there are no digitised copies. The White House never announced that Biden had approved the revised strategy.However, an unclassified notification to Congress of the revision is expected to be sent before Biden leaves office. The NYT report said that in recent speeches, two senior administration officials were allowed to allude to the strategy revision.