Gallant Seeks Probe Into Netanyahu’s October 7 Failure, PM's Inner Circle to Oust Defence Minister?


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Gallant Seeks Probe Into Netanyahu’s October 7 Failure, PM's Inner Circle to Oust Defence Minister? Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant called for an inquiry to investigate the October 7 onslaught and the failures surrounding it. Gallant urged that the commission should also investigate Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in an all-encompassing probe. The Israeli Defence Minister also called for a probe into how Hamas managed to build up its forces over the past decade and planned the onslaught. In May, National Unity leader Benny Gantz made similar demands, asking for a probe into the culpability of the government. Meanwhile, associates of Netanyahu have reportedly been deliberating the possible ouster of Gallant in the coming months. Netanyahu’s inner circle reportedly plans to precede the move with attacks on Gallant from within Likud to make the ouster appear inevitable.